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"Holocaust Education Revisited"

On the series

The seDSC_5315ries ‘Holocaust Education - Historisches Lernen - Menschenrechtsbildung’ (Holocaust Education - Historical Learning - Human Rights Education) will be published by Springer. The publication arose from the conference “Holocaust Education Revisited”, which was hosted at the LMU Munich in February 2018.

The series’ academic advisory council consists of several renowned researchers, such as Prof. Sascha Feuchert, Prof. Jeanette Hoffmann, Prof. Martin Lücke, Prof. Tonio Oeftering, Prof. Martin Rothgangel and Dr. Noah Shenker.

The first two volumes will contain the conference proceedings. Additional volumes are in preparation.

On the series’ first volume

HE revisitedThis volume contains papers from the conference of the same name. They address questions of perception and teaching, fiction and facts, mediality and digitality. Scientists from all over the world and from several areas of expertise reflect on the goals of the media representation of the Holocaust and Nazi crimes as well as the changes and challenges in teaching on these topics

On the series’ second volume (in preparation)

The series’ second volume is expected to be published in 2020. It will also contain academic papers from the 2018 conference. Thematically, they will revolve around the topics of didactics and sustainability.

Interested in publishing in the series?

You have a publication project that fits into the "Holocaust Education Revisited" series? For further information please contact Prof. Anja Ballis (anja.ballis@germanistik.uni-muenchen.de).